0417 522 351 admin@logiclink.com.au

Hazard Rating: 10+/10 | Parking: None | from Hobart: A long way | Faces: South into Antarctica

Pedra Branca is an islet (rock or little island) situated 26km south of Tasmania with some of the most insane waves in the world. An erosional remnant of the Tasmanian mainland, approximately 270m long, 100m wide and an elevation of 60m, estimated to have separated from the Tasmanian mainland at least 15,000 years ago. Another nearby islet is Eddyston also a tower rock also with thunderous waves.

Pedra requires specific conditions to work. A long trip to get there and when you do the water is cold, great white sharks are common and the waves are bone breaking. Jet ski support is mandatory.

Pedra Branca was first recorded in 1642 by the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman and first surfed in October 2008 by Marti Paradisis. Pedra Branca is Portugese for White Rock, probably because it’s covered in bird poo.

Surf photos provided by Stu Gibson, a leading Tasmanian surf photographer.