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Near Hobart |

Parking: Good + close | from Hobart: 5 km | Faces: East into the Derwent River | Length: 1 km

Original people: The Aboriginal Mouheneenner band lived in Cornelian Bay area for 8000 years – Shell Middens can still be seen in the top of the low cliffs of Cornelian Point (north) as well as other interesting geological features.

Cornelian Bay is close to Hobart with many attractions. While not recommended for swimming it has great foreshore walks, an excellent play gound, BBQ facilities and good amenities. It also backs onto an open oval for other activities. Great views of the bridge and river. Birds including ducks often present, but please do not feed them, like us, white bread and chips are not good for their diet!

Boathouse Restaurant and Kiosk. Definitely worth a visit and an ideal spot for a picnic with large open grass areas.